~Learning Have No Quota~ Keep Learning As Long As U Can~ Stay Humble + Positive ~ respect others~ Always Sharing~ Be Honest And Be Thankful ~AdidRashid~

Rabu, 22 Jun 2016

"Kesakitan" Dalam Perspektif Psikologi - Health Psychology

Setiap manusia tidak akan terlepas daripada merasai kesakitan. Mengalami rasa sakit berlaku kepada setiap individu tanpa terkecuali. Kesakitan juga dapat dikatakan sebagai fenomena sosial. Tindakbalas seseorang individu yang menunjukkan ke arah kesakitan adalah berbeza-beza. Biasanya ia bergantung kepada pengalaman lepas berkenaan kesakitan yang dialami. Kesakitan juga diramal mengikut beberapa faktor, termasuk jantina, etnik, personaliti dan budaya, semua interaksi, di dalam tisu dan sinaps tubuh. Perbezaan persepsi dan penerimaan individu dalam kesakitan menjadi punca di mana bidang biologi, psikologi dan sosiologi semua bertemu dan melihat perkaitan antaranya. Walaupun perbezaan merasai kesakitan lebih banyak menyentuh berkenaan mekanisme psikososial dan biologi, namun perlu ditekankan bahawa kepercayaan seseorang dan didikan budaya boleh mengubah cara badan dan otak mereka bertindak balas terhadap kesakitan. Menurut Profesor Roger Fillingim, seorang ahli psikologi klinikal di Universiti Florida ;

“Kita perlu mengintegrasikan semua faktor-faktor ini untuk lebih memahami bagaimana faktor psikologi dan biologi bekerja bersama-sama untuk akhirnya memahami faktor yang mewujudkan pengalaman kesakitan.”

Kepentingan dalam penilaian dan pengurusan kesakitan meningkat secara mendadak selepas 1965, apabila Gate Control Theory diperkenalkan. Peningkatan ini adalah serentak dengan kemajuan besar dalam pemahaman tentang pemprosesan kesakitan yang kompleks dan melibatkan banyak aspek. Oleh itu kajian demi kajian dijalankan. Pelbagai faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi persepsi kesakitan manusia, khususnya faktor persekitaran dan psikologi yang mengubah suai bagaimana kesakitan dialami. Sakit adalah kompleks, persepsi pelbagai dimensi yang berbeza dari segi kualiti, kekuatan, tempoh, lokasi, dan ketidakselesaan. Kekuatan dan ketidakselesaan sakit bukanlah semata-mata dan tidak langsung berkaitan dengan sifat dan tahap kerosakan tisu dari sudut biologi. Ini kerana walaupun bayi yang baru lahir mungkin mengalami sakit yang berbeza daripada rangsangan yang sama, kerana perbezaan dalam keadaan di mana ia ditadbir. Pengalaman kesakitan boleh berkisar dari ketidakmampuan untuk melihat kesakitan, tanpa mengira kekuatan rangsangan, dengan persepsi sebenar sakit di anggota badan. Persepsi, ungkapan, dan tindak balas kepada kesakitan dipengaruhi oleh pembolehubah genetik, perkembangan, kekeluargaan, psikologi, sosial dan budaya.

Faktor-faktor psikologi, seperti faktor-faktor keadaan dan emosi yang wujud apabila kita mengalami sakit, boleh mengubah kekuatan persepsi ini. Perhatian, pemahaman, kawalan, dan jangkaan boleh menjejaskan persepsi kesakitan. Oleh itu, pemahaman sakit memerlukan bukan sahaja memahami dan merujuk kepada sistem biologi, tetapi pengiktirafan dan kawalan daripada banyak faktor alam sekitar, sisiologi dan psikologi yang mengubah persepsi kesakitan manusia.

Terdapat pelbagai teori tentang kesakitan dan persepsi. Ia bukan sahaja dikaji dalam bidang psikologi malah dalam biologi dan sosiologi. Setakat ini, terdapat pengiktirafan luas daripada kepentingan pandangan biopsychosocial kesakitan. Namun menurut Raczynski dan Diclemente (1999) terdapat lima faktor yang menyumbang kepada perbezaan dalam melaporkan simptom iaitu : fisiologi, psikologi, kognitif, demografi dan juga persekitaran. Setiap faktor diatas memainkan peranan dalam menyumpang persepsi dan perbezaan dalam melaporkan simptom dan seterusnya membentuk perlakuan pesakit. (Razali, 2012)

Selasa, 21 Jun 2016

The Miracle- Working Power Of Your Subconcsious Mind - Mind Power

Sharing key point from the book of "The Power of your Subconscious Mind"-by Joseph Murphy
Chapter 3 : The Miracle- Working Power Of Your Subconscious Mind

  1. Your subconscious mind control all the vital processes of your body and knows the answer to all problems. 
  2. Prior to sleep, turn over a specific request to your subconscious mind and prove its miracle- working power to yourself.
  3. Whatever you impress on your subconscious mind is expressed on the screen of space as conditions experiences and event. Therefore, you should carefully watch all ideas and thoughts entertained in your conscious mind!
  4. The law of action and reaction in universal. Your thought in action, and the reaction is the automatic response of your subconscious mind to your thought. Watch your thought! 
  5. All frustration is due to unfulfilled desires. If you dwell on obstacle, delay, and difficulties, your subconscious mind responds accordingly, and you are blocking own good.
  6. The life-principle will flow through. Feed your subconscious with thoughts of harmony, health, and peace, and all the functions of your body will become normal again.
  7. Keep your conscious mind busy with the expectation of the best and your subconscious will faith-fully reproduce your habitual thinking.
  8. Imagine the happy ending or solution to your problem, feel the thrill of accomplishment, and what you imagine and feel will be accepted by your subconscious mind, which will bring it to pass.
  9. You must consciously affirm : " i believe that the subconscious power that gave me this desire is now fulfilling it through me." This dissolves all conflicts.

All the information was what the writer want to share from the book. Just some info chosen for this blog as sharing. For full info and more details, reader are advise to read the book itself.~AdidRashid~

Rabu, 8 Jun 2016

How Your Mind Works - Mind Power

Sharing key point from the book of "The Power of your Subconscious Mind"-by Joseph Murphy
Chapter 2 : How Your Mind Works

  1. Think Good, and Good follows. Think Evil, and Evil Follow. You are what you think!
  2. Your Subconscious Mind does not argue with you. It just accepts what your conscious mind decrees.
  3. You have power to choose. Choose to be good!
  4. Your conscious mind is the " Watchman at The Gate". Its chief function is to protect your subconscious mind from false impressions. 
  5. The suggestions and statements of other have NO POWER to hurt you. You have power to choose how you will react.
  6. Watch what you say! You have to account for every idle word.
  7. Never say "I can't". Say "I can".
  8. Choose your own thoughts and make your own decisions.
  9. Whatever your conscious mind assumes and believe to be true, your subconscious mind will accept and bring it to pass.

All the information was what the writer want to share from the book. Just some info chosen for this blog as sharing. For full info and more details, reader are advise to read the book itself.~AdidRashid~

Selasa, 7 Jun 2016

The Treasure House Within You- Mind Power

Sharing key point from the book of "The Power of your Subconscious Mind"-by Joseph Murphy
Chapter 1 : The Treasure House Within You 

  1. The treasure house is within you. Look within for the answer to heart's desire.
  2. The great secret possessed by the great men of all ages was their ability to contact and release the power of their subconscious mind. You do the same.
  3. Your subconscious has the power to answer to all problems.
  4. Your subconscious mind is the builder of your body and  can heal you.
  5. Every thought is a cause, and every condition is effect.
  6. Your are like a captain navigating a ship. Give the Right order  ( thought and image) to your subconscious mind, which control and governs all your experience.
  7. Your subconscious mind take at your word.
  8. The law of life is the law of belief. A belief is a thought in your mind.
  9. Change your thought, and you changed your destiny.

All the information was what the writer want to share from the book. Just some info chosen for this blog as sharing. For full info and more details, reader are advise to read the book itself.~AdidRashid~